4A, 26V, 380kHz, Asynchronous Step-Down Converter· Wi

4A, 26V, 380kHz, Asynchronous Step-Down Converter· Wide Input Voltage from 4.5V to 26V
· Output Current up to 4A
· Adjustable Output Voltage from 0.8V to 90%VIN
- 0.8V Reference Voltage
- ±2.5% System Accuracy
· 80mW Integrated P-Channel Power MOSFETThe APW7089 is a 4A, asynchronous, step-down converter
with integrated 80mW P-channel MOSFET. The
device, with current-mode control scheme, can convert
4.5~26V input voltage to the output voltage adjustable
from 0.8 to 90% VIN to provide excellent output voltage

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